Monday, November 7, 2011

Wallace Article

I found the Wallace article intriguing and interesting. It presented how caring for the elderly differs between Latinos and Non Latino Whites. I thought that conflict theory could be associated to this article. Conflict theory deals with competition and inequality. According to the article, non-Latino Whites benefit from the system of paid elderly care while Latinos are at a disadvantage. There are a lot factors that goes into play. The article mentioned the fact that since care for the elderly cost a lot of money; it focuses on the rich who can afford it. It was also pointed out that non-Latino whites are more educated and are more likely not to have any children or spouse around. They benefit because more money and opportunities always means more services available to them. Being able to pay for services or having Medicaid allows them to spend money on things important to them. For Latinos, because outside care for the elderly is so expensive the elderly tend to be cared for by immediate family members. This becomes a strain on these Latino families because being responsible for the elderly means less money going towards other things that are important to them like basic needs and education. Outside care for the elderly becomes a conflict because non-Latino Whites are able to afford it while Latino elderly have to rely on their families.

Functionalism can be linked to this article. It deals with social roles and social institutions. Above, I mentioned Latino elderly relying on their immediate family members to care for them because of the lack of opportunities they have to outside services. This is a functional aspect to this social problem. Hospitals and Medicare are also functional aspects. These institutions can help with financial aspects and provide certain services to the elderly.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent points, especially the insights on this economic recession, is it likely that the white culture might change due to rising health care costs?
