Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Nichol's article response.

There LGBT communities in many African countries, but very few are known because they are afraid of coming out since they are not accepted by the society in fact in countries like Uganda LGBT people get killed by their government. Back home, I didn’t even know about LGBT because no one talked about it and if people of the same sex had sexual relationship, people were just saying that “it’s a taboo and a sin against God and there is something wrong with these people”, but no one knew that it was their identity. Just like any other minority group, LGBT members face many problems in their communities in terms of employment, social, education, family,….. and we can say that they face discrimination like other minority groups.

We found Conflict Theory in this article where homosexual people face power struggle and inequality from people who are not homosexual (those who are considered to be normal by the world). Homosexuality can prevent people from accessing opportunities like scholarships, leadership, employment because of their identity.

Symbolic Interaction: Not being accepted by the society makes homosexual people blame themselves, feel isolated and that’s why we have a big number of suicides among them. The fact that even their own families don’t accept them sometime, makes the situation worse.
Functionalism: An example of countries like Uganda where the government authorizes the law of killing LGBT people and the fact that many states in USA don’t accept marriage between same sex people, is a sign that this world is far away from accepting LGBT communities.

Members of LGBT communities and their supporters have to fight had for their freedom and acceptance and this will take educating the young generation (who can prevent this discrimination in the future), law makers,.... However, i think the main point that infuence discrimination against LGBT communities is that many people believe that LGBT members have choice and control over their identity (that they made a choice of being homosexual and that they can chose to change that identity). Either this is really a choice or not, i don't know.

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