Sunday, November 6, 2011

Latino vs. Non Latino Whites

The article by Wallace was very interesting to read because something as simple as caring for the elderly brings into light how different it can be between two different ethnic groups. The factors that play into why non-Latino Whites get paid assistance compared to why Latinos get it are compared and the Latinos seem to be in the disadvantaged side. When looked at this issue from a conflict theory standpoint, the non-Latino Whites seem to benefit from the system of paid elderly care.
Full outside care for the elderly costs a lot of money and with more services being provided, the more expensive it gets. This seems to target the rich who can afford the prices of these services. Non-Latino Whites who are educated, thus having a decent income throughout their lives, are more likely to recieve paid care as they age. Especially when they don't have children or a spouce around. Because these prices can be so expensive, there comes a point when Latino elderly recieve care by surrounding family instead of paid care. Because Latino children usually pay for the care, if they cannot afford it, it is suddenly their responsibility to take care of the elderly. This could become a stressor on the family not only cost wise, but also the time needed to spend towards taking care of them. This means less money to go towards education and basic living needs. Parents now spend more time taking care of their parents and less time is dedicated towards their kids.
Non-Latino Whites seem to benefit from this because it frees the rising generation from being held down with costs to spend on their parents because these elderly seem to be able to pay for it themselves or is covered by medicaid. It also gives them more time for a career, family, and education. When care can be affored and provided towards a certain population becuase they simply have more means for this, then other populations will always be competing to recieve decent care at a lower price. More money and opportunities will always provide better services for the most part. Non-Latino Whites seem to have the upper hand in elderly paid care when compared to Latino populations.

1 comment:

  1. It may even be more complex than that...for example what about the differences between in home and institutional care? Which do the rich choose?
