Monday, October 3, 2011

Domestic Violence by Mary Ann Duttons

This article remind me the lives of most of some African women who are being abused every single day, but can't do any thing to protect themselves because since they were born they have seen their mothers, friends, neighbors, relatives,.... in that situstion and believe that all women should be abused. Some women think that this is a sign of showing respect to your husband by not telling him that he is wrong.

Since in many African countries only husbands work and provide to the family, some women are always waiting to be handled money and being told how to use it. In this case women become like unproductive people with no choice, therefore they can not think of leaving a husband since they are not able to support kids by themselves.

The other fact is that these women are afraid of being embarrassed in the community where people will be laughing at them that they are not strong or mature enough to build a family. This was brought to African societies by symbolic interaction theory in which people apply the same stereotype to different situations and make others believe that things are always the same way.

What makes abuse worse in developing countries is that even their governments don't do much about it (to avoid it and protect the victims), therefore it's a waist of time to report abuse. At least in developed countries it's done in secret and it's not easy for men to get away with it.


  1. What theoretical perspective would explain why women don't leave their husbands, according to your analysis?

  2. "... these women are afraid of being embarrassed in the community where people will be laughing at them that they are not strong or mature enough to build a family. This was brought to African societies by symbolic interaction theory in which people apply the same stereotype to different situations and make others believe that things are always the same way" said Valentine
