Monday, September 26, 2011

Anderson's Aricle & Service Learning Project

When reading the Anderson article I realized that his article could be applied to my service learning project. For example 2 weeks ago when I went to help out and volunteer I noticed that the majority of juvenile delinquents were white and that the group of juvenile delinquents was a little bit smaller yet, when I went last week I noticed that it was more racially diverse and that the majority of delinquents did not consist of just white individuals anymore and that the group last week was a little bit bigger. However, reading Anderson's article it also made me think about the University of Utah and the state of Utah as well. Looking at the U of U's campus you can see that our campus is so racially diverse which I thought was so cool and interesting and as a society and as a nation are becoming more socially diverse as we progress.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting--so maybe the change in clients is just due to changing demographics?
