Monday, September 26, 2011

Changing Demographics & Social Adaptability

Something exciting is happening in the U.S.! We are feeling and anticipating a change in the population, the look, the racial distribution, and certain policity and power changes! The population and racial diversity is changing dramatically in the United States. Since the inception of the U.S., we have been functioning under a system led by white educated males as the dominant group. All other groups are far as power distribution and sheer population numbers go. Change is coming with population growth of Hispanics and Blacks.

In the year 2000, whites made up only 69% of the population, followed by Blacks at 12% and Hispanics at 12%. Just 10 years prior to this, whites made up 75% of the U.S. population. With change in numbers, the shift of power and resources is sure to come. Change may be slow, but it will come.

There will be changes in the school systems such as bilingual education. There will be changes in social systems and government institutions. Some of these changes will be that there will be interpreters for various languages and literature will be printed in many languages. English may eventually cease to be the official language. As the population shifts, there will be more diversity in elected officials. Social policy will change because of the population shift in constituents and leaders.

Not everyone will welcome the change, especially those who control the power & resources. Many of them may feel threatened with this change creeping up on them. Others may welcome the change and adapt to more diversity of races, opinions and culture.

I know that social change takes decades to occur and it probably will not happen in my lifetime, but I know that the future will present a very different and more colorful United States.

Michelle Mitton

1 comment:

  1. Very engaging post, and you make a good point--power may be shifting as we speak!
